On Tuesday the 3rd we made our way to Cuenca to see our girls there! We were slightly nervous, but definitely excited as we headed out. The drive there was absolutely gorgeous. We tried to take some pictures to capture it, but a camera cant hold how amazing it truly is. I did take video as well. So there's a little bit of the on Youtube. We, of course, had to get McDonald's on our way through Guayaquil. It is a requirement. There was talk of Pizza Hut... but McDonald's won out. So we were happily full and on our way. To get to Cuenca we had to travel through a rainforest in the mountains. I kept my window open as long as I possibly could. My ear almost got frostbite it was so cold and wet though. So the window eventually did have to be shut. Going through the mountains is a bit scary in the bus. There are sheer drop offs where there have been mudslides and such. And then on the other side of that, there are towering walls off rock that could fall at any moment. And then there was the fog. Tight winding corners and the bus driver wants to pass a car on a blind curve in the dense fog... It got my adrenaline pumping a few times. But I was the one that wanted to sit in the very front so that I could see everything that was going on, lol. Despite our near-death experiences, it was still worth it to stay up front.

So we survived the trip to Cuenca! The Cuenca girls met us at the terminal. And we headed to Fabiano's for Italian pizza. They actually import the cheese from Italy. It was amazing! And we met with some brothers and sisters there. Falsto, Jasmin, Anita Munoz. John Lopez and Kah-mei... don't know her last name. lol! They were all very sweet and nice. After the pizza, which was around 8pm, we headed down the street to a Karaoke bar. We all got really into it and had a blast! Kel and Mechaela belted their heart out to "We Are the Champions". And then everyone in the group got up and sang "Dancing Queen". Stefanie sang some Spanish songs that totally blew my mind. The worst was "Ojos Asi" by Shakira. It's so fast!! And there was an attempt at singing "Jenny From the Block" that definitely didn't go too well, lol! But was still super fun to try. Many more songs were sung, since we didn't get out of there until midnight. There is a video of Stefanie and Ariel singing, with a special wave from Kaitlyn.
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