So to all of my American friends, to busk means to perform on the street for money. I didn't know that term 'til I met Courtz. She had suggested doing it a week or so ago and I had totally chickened out. But then we went to a concert on the beach on Saturday night. One of the performers had tried to get us gringas to come up on stage and sing an English song! Me not speaking Spanish didn't understand what she was asking. I thought she wanted us to dance! I was not going to go up and dance. Music moves me, but it moves me ugly ;) So I had stayed put. It turns out that she started to sing "Someone Like You" by Adele! Me and Mechaela had just sung

that song incredibly well, if I do say so myself, before we had left for that concert!!! We were both kicking ourselves for being such losers that we didn't understand and didn't get to sing that song for hundreds of people! It would have been ultimate Karaoke!! lol. So to make ourselves feel less like losers and to get it out of our system, we decided to busk. The first picture is the spot that we chose. It just so happened to be across from a street carnival that had bongos and fire dancers! So we didn't get too much attention. No money. But it was still super fun! And later we moved and the carnival went away. We met up with a brother and his family from Jipijapa and Stefania. So we sang for them. And then the brother sang

a couple of absolutely beautiful songs for us! I'm pretty sure that we all got a bit choked up listening to him singing. Kelly recorded it. So we'll have to let you guys listen to it when we see you again ;) After that we treated ourselves to some Batidos. And the best ones in town are at Luis' stand. It's our regular spot. So we headed over and got Oreo Batidos except for our monkey friend Courtz who loves her bananas. Then we sat on some steps nearby and Courtz played a few more songs. It's a night I won't soon forget. We all had such a good time. And it was such a unique experience. No where in the States would I feel so comfortable to sit on a city street
corner and just relax with a bunch of brothers and sisters playing music and talking. I feel so blessed to be here! It's such a priviledge and I thank Jehovah every day for it!
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