So this morning was my first morning back out in service since I have been sick. JOY! And it wasn't a half bad day. Not too hot. Although it was sunny enough for me to burn in a very interesting pattern across my chest. Argh! Oh well. But Kel and I worked together. Eden always likes to put us together whenever he is conducting the service arrangement. It challenges us more to use our Spanish. So we went door to door for about an hour. Kel took most of the doors. But we each got one good call. Exciting! I just wish that it was more of a two-sided conversation. We just can't understand what they are saying back still!!
So after that we headed off to do a couple return visits! YAY! And I got to talk to a lady named Beatrice. But I made the mistake of asking for "Beatrice". I should have actually been asking for "Bay-ah-trees". My bad! So she didn't understand what I was saying when I was just trying to say her name, lol. But then I went into my presentation and she helped me with my reading. She's very patient and very nice. And she took the magazines again.
Then after service we walked home with Merci. A wonderful sister in our congregation. She just snuck up behind us while we were walking though. I thought there was some creepy guy following us. I finally turned to tell him off and felt super ashamed of myself once I realized who it was. And that wasn't the only time that kind of thing happened to me today either! Cause later on Kel and I were walking home from class with some groceries we had picked up along the way home. And a red truck pulled up next to us and was following very slowly. I was getting angry. Again, thinking that it was some creeper (it's pretty common for it to be a total stranger oggling btw). Finally Kel turned around and saw that it was our next door neighbor, a brother. I felt ashamed of myself again! Cause I was hot! I wanted to turn around and tell him off so badly! But it was a friend offering us a ride home. Shame on me, lol! It's so nice that we have so many brothers and sisters around all the time that we have that kind of problem :) They're always following, haha!
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