From left to right: Anna (from England), Jennifer (Anna's sister), Brooke, Anna, and Kaisa.
So yesterday Kel and I got to go to the most beautiful beach I've ever seen! The water was so clear that we could see the bottom. Piqueros Patas Azules (Blue-Footed Boobies) was the name of the beach. Everyone calls it Piqueros. We went with a group visiting from... no se, lol. I don't remember. I'll ask Anna later. But it was Kaisa (or however it is spelled) and Anna from Estonia. And Brooke from Washington state. Anna and Kaisa can speak 4 different languages! Russian, Estonian, Spanish, and English. Anna from Estonia is one of the ones in the new Ecuador article in the July study Watchtower. They tried to teach us a Russian card game that seemed like it would be super fun... if we could understand what to do. The rest were Eden, Sarah, Anna (from England), Jennifer, and Courtz.

While we were on the beach there was a mud bath there. So all of us tried it out. Except for Eden. He wasn't brave enough. Once we were fully covered, we went wandering down the beach. We looked like a bunch of monsters from the Black Lagoon! The employees came over and took pictures of us in the mud bath. We're gonna be famous! We went walking on the rocks and picked up some beautiful shells.
Apparently a certain kind of shell that could be found on this beach used to be the currency for this area. They had them plastered into the side of the buildings. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of that.
So we got up bright and early this morning for service. Worked with Sarah and Eden. Got to place a couple sets of magazines and then nobody was home after that. There must be something going on today that we gringos don't know about. So we headed in early. But now I have a couple more return visits! The people here stay and listen to whatever you have to say. Even if you're taking forever trying to struggle through their language. They think it's neat to have foreigners in their houses. They think we're 'exotic' lol! Hopefully that will help someone come into the truth.
But today is the day of me and Kel's first spanish lesson!!!! Yay! I can't wait. We have it from 2-4pm. Afterward, we plan on treating ourselves to something sweet or trendy. Not sure yet. I would like to go and see what kind of scarves and dresses they have in town. Also, I've heard that you can get a hammock for about $12. So I'm contemplating getting at least one.
I miss my family and friends. But this place has been very kind and hospitable. I have no regrets about coming. I just wish that everyone could come and have the same wonderful experience that I am. This place is so amazing! Jehovah has definitely blessed our journey here!
Oh! And also, Kel and I will be getting the apartment in Lopez that we wanted. It's available on Friday. So we will be closer to our Spanish lessons and the grocery stores. We'll still live in Machalilla part time. But our main house will be in Lopez. Now we won't have to worry about transport as much. Really excited about it!
Ciao Ciao mi amigos!